Your learning, your way.

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Subscription plans

3 month plan

₹ 4,499

Spend Less! Costs less than paying for all the courses individually and a great choice for a shorter learning period

Unlimited access to all courses for 3 months

Interactive quiz/ tasks

Downloadable resources

Faculty feedback

Live interactions

1 counselling session

Certificate on Completion

buy for 3 months

12 month plan

₹ 16,499

A cost-effective choice for continuous access to educational resources.

Unlimited access to all courses for 12 months

Interactive quiz/ tasks

Downloadable resources

Faculty feedback

Live interactions

4 counselling session

Certificate on Completion

buy for 12 months

6 month plan

₹ 8,499

Affordable Choice! Cheaper than paying quarterly and perfect for a learning span of few months.

Unlimited access to all courses for 6 months

Interactive quiz/ tasks

Downloadable resources

Faculty feedback

Live interactions

2 counselling session

Certificate on Completion

buy for 6 months

You asked, we answered.

What is Brick ETC?
What are the different courses available on this platform?
How do I know if I have creative ability to pursue a career in the creative field?
How do I enrol?
How can I get updates?
How long are the courses?
Who are the faculties?
What are the fees for the course?
How would I be learning on this platform?
How is BrickETC unique as compared to other ed-tech platforms?